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Squirrell memorial / funereral gift packs. Funeral favor, for a celebration of life, makes a beautiful rememberance gift or funeral keepsake. Filled with squirrel food. Feed the Squirrels!


✿ Packs come standard as shown unless customization is requested.

✿ Comes in packs of 10. Each pack is the size of a 4 x 5 greeting card printed on 65 LB card stock. These packs are very classy.

✿ Each pack contains approx 1 TBS squirrel food nestled inside a sealed zip bag so guests can tear it off and feed the squirrels


✿ DIY KIT - includes printed card stock scored and ready to fold, string, and a zip bag for each pack. YOU FILL AND ASSEMBLE - SEED NOT INCLUDED


♥ These can be customized any way you wish. If you want a different image or saying, just ask. ©


2015 Sweet "B" originals. All rights reserved.

Squirrel memorial gift packs, funeral favor or celebration of life

    • A mixture of Corn; Sunflower Seed; Whole Peanuts
    • A special blend of premium ingredients for squirrels and other wildlife
    • Squirrel Food is Nutritionally Fortified with an added supplement that is packed with added vitamins and electrolytes to help wildlife thrive.
    • Designed to attract squirrels, ducks, chipmunks and other desired wildlife.

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